This one works fine as a savings account paying an extremely good interest rate that is always among the best, as long as you really don't need to make many transactions. Also don't try to move your money around back and forth to their CDs as you will be trying to fill out forms online and searching for a fax machine just to get things back to normal.
Review on the Parent Bank
January 8, 2023 |
I live in the Baltimore area. CFG is a local Maryland-only bank. It has been heavily covered in local media that they are the leading Maryland bankers for the cannabis industry here. Some will view that positively, but I have family members who suffered grave injuries in an accident where the other driver was high two years ago. CFG was a fine local bank and I would urge them to reconsider and am banking elsewhere in the meantime.
Review on the Parent Bank
Feb 5, 2025
Your personal experiences OUTSIDE the bank shouldn't be the basis for your review of how the bank actually functions.
January 4, 2023 |
I'd rather do business with a bank that values my business. They obvously do not.
Review on the Parent Bank
November 28, 2022 |
It is a small bank and that is a tad annoying, but the experience has been good.
Review on the Parent Bank
November 15, 2022 |
Very positive experience. Small bank in MD. Not necessarily an online bank, but they have been friendly and easy to work with.
Review on the Parent Bank
GG - Senior
April 23, 2022 |
Thanks CFG ! Opened a 12-month CD today with the fantastic rate of 1.24%. Best rate in town. Most area banks still offering terrible rates .01% to .50%. Not at all fair when charging up to 5% for loans.
Review on the Parent Bank
March 29, 2022 |
CFG is not the easiest of these banks to work with. That would go to Ally. But, it is just about the most competitive with rates, always showing in the top 3 on all categories on rates&info so I stick with it.
Review on the Parent Bank
February 11, 2022 |
Not an online bank whatsoever and shouldn't be listed as such. Cannot do anything online. Ally and all the rest let you move in and out of no penalty CDs online in 2 seconds. Here the rate went from 0.62 to 0.70% and I cannot move without calling and filling out offline paperwork to open a new savings account, calling again and filling out offline paperwork to exit existing CD, calling again and filling out offline paperwork for the new CD. This might work for someone who lives near and branch, has time to kill and isn't concerned about getting COVID from spending two days hanging out at a branch in Maryland. It doesn't work for the rest of us.
Review on the Parent Bank
Feb 5, 2025
@Pohl - Not my experience at all. Moving to a new no penalty CD is not as easy as Ally or some of the others used to be, but it doesn't require multiple transactions at all. I needed to open a new account online (indicated funding from CFG Bank), and to fill out a form closing the old CD (scan and return). I also needed to confirm the transaction with Heather on a recorded line. Yes a couple extra steps and yes it requires a printer and scanner, but it works.
Maricica Sloss
August 19, 2021 |
It's nice to see smaller and obscure banks come online to offer rates just at or above what everybody else is giving. There is a catch especially when these same banks have low or no amount to buy in.
What's going on is their website will collect all your banking and financial info then vanish. Maybe you will get a denial letter or maybe you will never hear from them again. You will get ghosted. You can call a customer service number they have listed on the portal and leave a whole bunch of messages. If you manage to speak to someone at a Philippine Island call center they will deny having your application.
The banks are awash in cash. They don't want your money or you for that fact talking about buying a CD. It's the way things are with the Fed and Covid 19 tamping down the interest rates.
Your sensitive financial info is worth more to these smaller obscure banks than your money is. They aren't loaning any money out anywhere in the country. In other words the banks aren't making any money. They will collect your info to use however they can.
Larry K 88
June 21, 2021 |
I've been a customer for a couple of years already, having jumped in back in 2019 when they started offering great rates on 2-year CDs online just after the Fed began cutting. Rates remain very competitive, even though rate environment has changed. Zero serious problems. I would prefer to be able to renew the CDs or change renewal terms online. Website could be more friendly and I do not feel 100% comfortable as to their web security processes. Phone support is super and seems to be provided by two women, both of whom give the impression that I am dealing with a small bank that knows me well.
May 8, 2023 |
This one works fine as a savings account paying an extremely good interest rate that is always among the best, as long as you really don't need to make many transactions. Also don't try to move your money around back and forth to their CDs as you will be trying to fill out forms online and searching for a fax machine just to get things back to normal.
Review on the Parent BankTRSmith
January 8, 2023 |
I live in the Baltimore area. CFG is a local Maryland-only bank. It has been heavily covered in local media that they are the leading Maryland bankers for the cannabis industry here. Some will view that positively, but I have family members who suffered grave injuries in an accident where the other driver was high two years ago. CFG was a fine local bank and I would urge them to reconsider and am banking elsewhere in the meantime.
Review on the Parent Banknunya
Feb 5, 2025
Your personal experiences OUTSIDE the bank shouldn't be the basis for your review of how the bank actually functions.
January 4, 2023 |
I'd rather do business with a bank that values my business. They obvously do not.
Review on the Parent BankJay
November 28, 2022 |
It is a small bank and that is a tad annoying, but the experience has been good.
Review on the Parent BankCJR
November 15, 2022 |
Very positive experience. Small bank in MD. Not necessarily an online bank, but they have been friendly and easy to work with.
Review on the Parent BankGG - Senior
April 23, 2022 |
Thanks CFG ! Opened a 12-month CD today with the fantastic rate of 1.24%. Best rate in town. Most area banks still offering terrible rates .01% to .50%. Not at all fair when charging up to 5% for loans.
Review on the Parent BankJYee
March 29, 2022 |
CFG is not the easiest of these banks to work with. That would go to Ally. But, it is just about the most competitive with rates, always showing in the top 3 on all categories on rates&info so I stick with it.
Review on the Parent BankPohl
February 11, 2022 |
Not an online bank whatsoever and shouldn't be listed as such. Cannot do anything online. Ally and all the rest let you move in and out of no penalty CDs online in 2 seconds. Here the rate went from 0.62 to 0.70% and I cannot move without calling and filling out offline paperwork to open a new savings account, calling again and filling out offline paperwork to exit existing CD, calling again and filling out offline paperwork for the new CD. This might work for someone who lives near and branch, has time to kill and isn't concerned about getting COVID from spending two days hanging out at a branch in Maryland. It doesn't work for the rest of us.
Review on the Parent BankAbzie
Feb 5, 2025
@Pohl - Not my experience at all. Moving to a new no penalty CD is not as easy as Ally or some of the others used to be, but it doesn't require multiple transactions at all. I needed to open a new account online (indicated funding from CFG Bank), and to fill out a form closing the old CD (scan and return). I also needed to confirm the transaction with Heather on a recorded line. Yes a couple extra steps and yes it requires a printer and scanner, but it works.
Maricica Sloss
August 19, 2021 |
It's nice to see smaller and obscure banks come online to offer rates just at or above what everybody else is giving. There is a catch especially when these same banks have low or no amount to buy in.
What's going on is their website will collect all your banking and financial info then vanish. Maybe you will get a denial letter or maybe you will never hear from them again. You will get ghosted. You can call a customer service number they have listed on the portal and leave a whole bunch of messages. If you manage to speak to someone at a Philippine Island call center they will deny having your application.
The banks are awash in cash. They don't want your money or you for that fact talking about buying a CD. It's the way things are with the Fed and Covid 19 tamping down the interest rates.
Your sensitive financial info is worth more to these smaller obscure banks than your money is. They aren't loaning any money out anywhere in the country. In other words the banks aren't making any money. They will collect your info to use however they can.
Larry K 88
June 21, 2021 |
I've been a customer for a couple of years already, having jumped in back in 2019 when they started offering great rates on 2-year CDs online just after the Fed began cutting. Rates remain very competitive, even though rate environment has changed. Zero serious problems. I would prefer to be able to renew the CDs or change renewal terms online. Website could be more friendly and I do not feel 100% comfortable as to their web security processes. Phone support is super and seems to be provided by two women, both of whom give the impression that I am dealing with a small bank that knows me well.
Review on the Parent Bank