
For information concerning Citizens Bank, National Association parent bank, please click here.

Online Rates - March 11, 2025

Your current location is: Columbus, OH

3.70% $1 Compare
11 Mo CD
0.05% $5,000 Compare
12 Mo CD
4.35% $5,000 Compare
24 Mo CD
3.50% $5,000 Compare
36 Mo CD
2.85% $5,000 Compare
48 Mo CD
2.75% $5,000 Compare
60 Mo CD
2.75% $5,000 Compare

Money that you deposit is held by Citizens Bank, National Association. Citizens Bank, National Association is an FDIC insured institution founded in 2005. It has approximately $219.54 billion in assets.

Overview 2025

General Information of the Parent Bank

FDIC Insured Yes
Insured Parent Bank Citizens Bank, National Association
FDIC Certificate # 57957
Date Established 2005
Assets $219.54 billion
Loans $140.48 billion
Deposits $179.04 billion
Capital $24.69 billion

Customer Reviews for Citizens (2)

Rated 5.00 stars out of 5 - based on 2 reviews
  • I have accounts at some of these other names where I make a little more, but if I need something (to access my cash or to cover an obligation somewhere), this is the place I go. Great service by phone too. I've been a customer for many years and I will be a customer long after I am done with most of these other banks.

    Review on the Parent Bank
  • Once again, Citizens is most competitive of the quality names (Citizens, Ally, Synchrony, CIT). Best service too.

    Review on the Parent Bank

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